We hold a variety of training events throughout the year. If you would like more details or to book a slot, please contact us via email, telephone or Facebook.
20th - 22nd April 2018
Ineke Jansen - 4*FEI Dressage Judge - Flatwork Clinic
Following the success of her last visit we are pleased to welcome Ineke back to teach for three days this spring. Students were so impressed with her advice that they are requesting two sessions with her this time. Ineke is also offering sports massage for the horses, one client commented - "I could really notice the difference in my horse after the treatment".
To book your place please do so via HorseMonkey.
£55.00 for 45 minutes for flatwork lesson

4th November 2017
Nicola Tustain MBE - flatwork and dressage clinic
Train with paralympic gold medalist Nicola Tustain MBE. Nic caters for all levels, abilities and ages with sessions lasting from 45-60 minutes. She is UKCC level 2 qualified in Dressage coaching and a Group 5 rider. £40 for an individual session including hire of 60mx30m arena, payment in advance - please contact us for details of how to pay.
£40.00 for 1 hour

28th September - 1st October 2017
FEI 4* Judge Ineke Jansen flatwork clinic
FEI 4* International judge and trainer working at Prix St George level. Regularly judges at championships (German and Dutch Nationals, UK championships e.g. 3* at Bishop Burton). Works with para and able-bodied riders of all levels. Very approachable and easy to understand, her ORUN instructor qualification is equivalent to BHSI. Lessons are given in a way that fits the horse and rider and are directed towards the achievement of personal goals. Ineke enjoys travelling to North Wales and teaching her students here.
Para rider Denise Smith said “Since I have been training with Ineke, Catkin (my horse) has become more forward and my confidence has grown. This had led to competition success. I am now riding different horses which previously I would not have been willing to do. I think that Ineke has a natural teaching ability, she picks up on both the horse and rider. When I don’t understand what is required she finds a different way of explaining things to me.”
Ineke is doing 45 minute sessions costing £55 including arena hire. Please message either Denise Smith dysgucymraeg@aol.com or Claire Harrison info@plastirionfarm.co.uk for more information or to book your space.

14th August 2017
Charlie Unwin - Equine Sports Psychologist - Workshop
A rare opportunity to have a day workshop with Charlie Unwin to overcome those competition nerves and stay focused under pressure. Charlie draws upon his unique background in Performance Psychology to help individuals and teams perform at their best when it counts. Charlie works with Olympic athletes and teams, global organisations, performing artists and the military. As a horse rider he understands the requirements of the sport and the mental preparation required. Read more about Charlie here https://www.performancelegacy.com/about
Please email or phone to secure a place.

20th May 2017
Flatwork and Dressage with Nicola Tustain MBE
Train with paralympic gold medalist Nicola Tustain MBE. Nic caters for all levels, abilities and ages with sessions lasting from 45-60 minutes. She is UKCC level 2 qualified in Dressage coaching and a Group 5 rider. If you are a British Dressage member and wish to use this training for team events please book through the BD website https://bookwhen.com/bd-wales. Payment in advance for those not using the BD website. £40 for an individual session, please contact us for details of how to pay.

6th May 2017
Feed your horse slim - Dr Carol Michael
Dr Carol Michael (www.phytorigins.com) equine clinical nutritional expert and microbiologist, will be presenting information and advice on how common plants can be used medicinally in horses. Having done extensive research with Bangor University, Carol has developed products which can help horses with problems such as weight gain, laminitis, metabolic syndrome and poor gastric function.
Carol will share this knowledge in a practical and interactive session, which will include how to:
Control your horse’s weight naturally and improve their gut function,
Identify plants and their uses for your horse – please bring any samples you have of plants your horse seeks out and loves to eat,
Make supplements from plants and those that will give your horse the minerals he/she needs,
We will be going for a guided walk through fields and along hedgerow to see what we can find and Carol will be on hand to answer all your questions
Cost £10 per person, payable in advance , includes light refreshments.
STARTS AT 10.30 AM all welcome from 10 am.

18th March 2017
Test Riding Clinic with Sue Cottrell
Do you have any of your arena with a dressage arena set up in it? Try test riding with BD listed judge Sue Cottrell.
Warm up yourself, then ride a test of your choice in 40 x 20m arena at a specified time. Receive feedback and instruction on how to pick up those extra vital marks, re-ride your test, which can be recorded on i-pad (on request) and then reviewed with the judge.
Each session is 45 mins in total £35, including school hire.
Book on British Dressage website here

4th February 2017
Flat work and Dressage with Nicola Tustain MBE
Start your New Year and with train with paralympic gold medalist Nicola Tustain MBE. Nic caters for all levels, abilities and ages with sessions lasting from 45-60 minutes. She is UKCC level 2 in Dressage and a Group 5 rider. If you are a BD member and wish to use this training for team events please book through the BD website.

19th November 2016
It's all in the trim!
Farrier, Russell Novelli BSc Hons, FdSc DipWCF, is doing a talk and demo on:
- Foot balance and why its important
- Different horseshoes and what they do
- Aspects of remedial farriery work, and
- Training on how to remove a horseshoe yourself using the Backsmith's Buddy!
Please email or FB to book your place.